July 18-21, 2023
Dr. Manuel Miró was member of the scientific committee and keynote speaker at the "XXI International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies-Extech 2023"...
June 20 - 2023
Podcast interview to Dr. Manuel Miró, Principal Investigator from FI-TRACE group...
June 14 - 2023
Farewell party to Dr. José Manuel Estela (Dr. Miró's PhD advisor) organized by the Department of Chemistry...
June 12-14th, 2023
Dr. Miró attended Burkhard Horstkotte Habilitation defence and participated in project...
June 7-14 th 2023
Welcome back to Dr. Laís Araújo Souza from Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil...
June 3-4th - 2023
Analytica Chimica Acta Editor's meeting held in La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain on 3rd/4th June 2023...
May 11-13th, 2023
Outrech activities organized by the FI-TRACE team at the Science Fair in Mallorca (11-13th May 2023)...
May 5th - 2023
Manuel Miró was appointed Head of the Evaluation Committee of the PhD thesis defence by Ms. Sandra García-Rey...
April 28 - 2023
Prof. Manuel Miró is the invited lecturer at the 23rd Webinar organized by the Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry...
January - 2023
Core member of the INAGEA research institute on agricultural and environmental sciense...
July 5, 2022
Tribute to Professor Antonio Molina Díaz from the University of Jaen...
June 26 - July 1, 2022
Manuel Miró is Plenary Lecturer at the International Conference on Flow Analysis XV (Krakow, june 2022)...
April, 25 2022
Invited dissemination scientific article in The Conversation Spain on "Shall we deem "microplastics"...
April, 12 2022
Manuel Miró was interviewed by the TV media IB3 on the human and biota exposomics to microplastics...
April 5, 2022
Invited Speaker at the 4th Conference on Teaching Innovation in Higher Education held at the University of the Balearic Islands...
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